

Pregnancy Complications


Top 10 Signs of Miscarriage


Top 10 Signs of Miscarriage

Top 10 Signs of Miscarriage

Discussing miscarriage is not a pleasant topic at any time, but knowing the signs can possibly help to prevent one as well as provide comfort in the case of unpreventable pregnancy loss.


There are many abdominal sensations, including cramping, that are perfectly normal in pregnancy. Strong cramps that have your complete and undivided attention before labor is set to begin are not normal. These strong cramps could be an indication of miscarriage.

If strong cramps occur you should lie down, get a large drink of water and call your health care provider.


Spotting or even heavy bleeding all by itself is not a signal of miscarriage. It can be caused by a number of normally occurring, and healthy pregnancy processes. You should take note and discuss bleeding issues at prenatal appointments. If you suffer from a large amount of bright red bleeding, call immediately.

Loss of Pregnancy Symptoms

The first reaction to the body’s sudden return to normal, sans morning sickness and fatigue ridden self might be great, however, it could actually be a sign that hormone levels have fallen to a point that they no longer sustain pregnancy, thus the symptoms go away.

Pregnancy symptoms change and evolve as pregnancy progresses, but they shouldn’t cease altogether.

Absence of Fetal Heartbeat

By 10 weeks gestational age the baby’s heartbeat should be easily heard at prenatal visits. If the doctor is unable to find a heart beat it could be an indication that the baby has died or that a pregnancy never occurred. It is common for an ultrasound to be ordered for confirmation.

No Fetal Movements

Once you know what baby’s little jabs feel like, you should notice them with frequency, especially when you are at rest.

A lull in movement indicating baby is taking a nap is normal, but if baby stops moving or suddenly decreases the vigorousness or frequency of motion you should call your doctor right away.


Sometime women feel the cramping of a contraction as a backache pain rather than an abdominal discomfort. Sharp, frequent reoccurring backaches can be contractions and possible early signals of miscarriage. As with contractions, mom should lie down, drink a large glass of water and call the midwife or OB.

Positive then Negative Tests

Once a pregnancy test shows positive, it usually stays that way. If tests taken on two consecutive mornings read positive on day one reverting to negative on day two it can be a sign not only of miscarriage, but of an ectopic pregnancy.

If this has happened to you, you should call your health care provider right away for a consultation.

Odd Vaginal Discharge

Red, bloody discharge is not the only vaginal fluid which can be concerning. Fleshy, grey or stringy discharge and large blood clots can also be a signal of miscarriage.

Opening Cervix

In a normal healthy pregnancy the cervix usually remains tightly closed until the last few weeks before delivery. If for some reason the cervix begins to open, or never fully closes during the first few weeks of pregnancy the miscarriage risk is somewhat higher.

Falling hCG Levels

The body needs to maintain healthy hormone levels with appropriate numbers to sustain a pregnancy. Falling hCG levels is an almost certain sign that miscarriage is on the way.

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