About Us

What We Are and What We Believe
Moms Who Think began in 2000 as a place for all moms to get ideas, support, and help through all the exciting and ordinary parts of everyday life.
We have evolved and expanded over 18 years online to include recipes for real families, from quick and easy meals to get a delicious dinner on the table in a flash, to Sunday dinners from Mama Shirley‘s recipes that have been passed down through generations of family.

  • We provide you with the most comprehensive grammar and learning tools for grade schoolers to professional writers, activities and ideas for creating family memories, and one of the best resources on the internet to help you choose a baby name. We also have hundreds of pages that cover everything from birthday party games to health issues.
    We believe that moms shouldn't go through life trying to live in the mold that society has set for them, attempting to achieve the “perfect mother” status created by other people or even worse…attempting to live up to the perfection of the “highlight reels” of friends, blogs and Pinterest pins.
  • We disagree with the current media, who would like to convince you that, like Pooh Bear, mothers are creatures of very little brains. The media celebrates motherhood by how many weeks/days/hours a new celebrity mom takes to look like they never gave birth.
  • For the moms and women who sometimes fall into the trap of believing that what they see in the media and online social media is real life, we're here to say it isn't. Life is messy, it isn't perfect, it's lived in. As it should be, lived in to the fullest that every day has to offer (even if that means a pajama day with the kids because you all need a day off).
  • We are a family owned website with kids of all ages and moms at all stages in our own lives. We hope that the tools we’ve used to make our own lives easier and happier make your life better by being able to access what you need all on one website. We are a website for all types of moms…including moms of young children or teenagers, moms of adult children, grandmoms, and their children big and small. We're grateful for each and every one of you.
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