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Symptoms of Pregnancy


Key Signs of Pregnancy to Look Out For: Missed Period

Key Signs of Pregnancy to Look Out For: Missed Period

When it comes to noticing potential signs of pregnancy, one of the most common is a missed period. This is generally one of the first signs that a woman notices that would cause her to believe she is pregnant. It's important to track your cycle whether you are trying to conceive or not to find out if this missed period is out of the ordinary. Let's dive into what you can expect with this pregnancy symptom.

What You Should Know About Missed Periods

Symptoms of pregnancy vary from woman to woman, but all women will stop having their period at some point when pregnant. Possibly the most apparent pregnancy symptom is having a missed period.

A missed period is the first symptom most women notice. It is what causes them to suspect pregnancy. When pregnancy occurs, you should miss the next period you would normally expect.

Some women can bleed while they are pregnant, but normally it is implantation bleeding which is much lighter and lasts for a shorter span of time than a normal period would. For some women, a missed period is the only one of the symptoms of pregnancy that they'll experience. They will luckily avoid morning sickness and other uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms.

However, most symptoms do subside or disappear completely after the first trimester so take heart if you do experience more symptoms than other pregnant women you know.

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