

Mother’s Day


Mother’s Day Activities

Mother’s Day Activities

Mother's Day Activities

What can you do all day, when its Mom’s day off? These Mother's Day activities can help you out.

Mother’s Day begins the same in houses from coast to coast. The early morning light finds befuddled dads and sleepy-eyed children in the kitchen creating a culinary delight with varying degrees of expertise for mom’s morning delight. When the meal has been properly garnished it is presented to mom in bed. Gifts are exchanged and then what? What do you do with the remainder of the day?

There are many things that can be done to make mom’s day last the beyond the morning hours and generate some fun for all.


If the day is nice, get out there and have a picnic. Mom isn’t going to care about fancy foods, but she will love having her whole family together for the day. Picnics are easy, no fuss outings. Find a park, a river bank or a grassy patch off the beaten path spread the blanket and relax. Bring a ball or Frisbee to keep the fun going.


If your mom isn’t the outdoor sort, why not plan a pampering day for mom? The girls can give mom a makeover. Most teenage daughters are itching to get their hands on mom and update her look Mother’s Day is a great excuse.

Treat mom to a manicure and pedicure; have at her hair pampering her with a neck and scalp massage while you’re at it. Try new shades of lipstick, and eye shadow just have fun doing girlie things with mom. The day spend giggling between curls and cuticles is bound to live in memory for years to come.


Mother’s Day with extended family can difficult. How do you properly honor mom, when there are several in line to be honored? There is a simple answer: host a Mother’s Day potluck. Let Dad spearhead the and possibly even host the Mother’s Day potluck at Grandma’s house.

Each family is to bring a dish to share, but it comes with stipulations. First all moms need do is show up, that’s it. The food gracing the table should be made entirely by someone else. The second requirement is that the food be one of Mom’s favorites. The meal is sometimes interesting, when the moms all choose a desert of some type rather than a veggie dish.

Mother’s Day only comes once a year, and if dinner is comprised of chocolate in 7 forms, so be it. The moms love it because they get to pass the day visiting, while dads and kids cook and clean. The kids like it because they get to play with cousins and visit Grandma’s house.


Mother’s day can also be game day. Spending a few precious moments just playing together with the kids are treasure, yet they seem too few and far between. Why not spend Mother’s Day playing together? Mother's Day activities made up of simple play are an important way to honor mom and enjoy the post-breakfast hours of Mother’s Day.

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