



Learning & Activities




Printable Chore Chart for Ages 6-8 to Encourage Responsibility

Printable Chore Chart for Ages 6-8 to Encourage Responsibility

Looking for a way to teach your kids responsibility? Look no further! Our chore chart designed for children ages 6-8 is the answer to making household chores fun and rewarding for your kids. By working with our printable chart, your child can have a sense of accomplishment as they tick off their completed chores. Print out the below chart for each of your children and watch them take charge of their responsibilities.

Chores for Children – Ages 6-8



Child's Name _______________




Make Bed 
Clean and Dust Bedroom 
Put Groceries Away 
Set Table  
Clear Dinner Table 
Take Trash Out 
Fold Own Laundry 
Wipe Bathroom Counters 

Strategies for Assigning Chores to Children Ages 6-8

Consistency is key. Ensure your child has an understanding of what chores they are expected to do on a daily basis and adhere to that schedule. By staying consistent, these tasks will form into daily habits, reducing the likelihood that they will be forgotten over time.

Offer small rewards. To make the process more fun and rewarding, consider offering incentives when they finish tasks. For example, if your child consistently makes their bed every day for a week without being reminded, acknowledge their efforts with a treat or prize. To take it a step further, create a tracking system by placing star stickers on a calendar.

Foster early long-lasting habits. Begin introducing these chores at a young age to instill a sense of responsibility. Enourage them to tidy up after themselves, put away their clothes, and make up their bed. As they grow, these habits may become second nature, potentially carrying over into adulthood.

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