



Pregnancy Complications


Pregnancy Stages / Development


Signs You Need to Call the Doctor During Pregnancy

Signs You Need to Call the Doctor During Pregnancy

Experiencing anxiety during your pregnancy is a normal occurrence because of the physical changes your body is experiencing. So many of these sensations during pregnancy can seem ambiguous and may result in questions of uncertainty. Some questions you may ask include:

  • Is it typical to experience light spotting in early pregnancy, or is it a sign of an early miscarriage?
  • Are nagging headaches just from stress, or is it something more serious?
  • How can you tell the difference between what is normal during pregnancy and when you should take action?
  • Is my weight gain during pregnancy normal, or is it due to OHSS during pregnancy?

These are all normal questions or thoughts that may come up during pregnancy, but it's important not to let them overwhelm you. Review some of the most common symptoms and when it's necessary to call your healthcare provider.


Symptoms During Pregnancy


When to Call the Doctor?


Vaginal Bleeding or Spotting During Pregnancy


Slight spotting that goes away within a day

Next visit

Any spotting or bleeding that lasts more than a day

Same day

Moderate to heavy bleeding during pregnancy


Any amount of bleeding during pregnancy accompanied by pain, fever, or chills


Pain During Pregnancy


Occasional pulling, twinging, or pinching sensation on one or both sides of the abdomen

Next visit

Occasional mild headaches

Next visit

Moderate, bothersome headache that won't go away

Same day

Severe or persistent headache, especially with dizziness, faintness, or visual disturbances


Moderate or severe pelvic pain


Any degree of pelvic pain that doesn't subside


Pain with fever or bleeding


Vomiting During Pregnancy



Next visit

Once every day

Next visit

More than two or three times a day


With pain or fever


Other Symptoms During Pregnancy


Chills or fever (temperature of 102 degrees Fahrenheit/38.8 Celsius or higher)


Painful urination


Steady or heavy discharge of watery fluid from the vagina


Sudden swelling of face, hands, or feet


Visual disturbances (dimness, blurring)


Remember, your doctor is your primary resource when making these judgments.

At your very first visit, ask your doctor for a list of the symptoms that may require immediate attention. Then you'll have an idea of what your doctor considers an emergency.

If you're still unsure about other symptoms, you can rely on the other healthcare providers in your doctor's office.

Take the opportunity during your office visits to learn the names of the nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants (PAs), and other staff you frequently encounter.

In case you have concerns or worries, you can ask for someone by name or by title. The staff will know from your symptoms whether to consult your doctor.

The bottom line, though, is this: When in doubt, reach out to your doctor.

It's better to have a needless worry eased than to have a real source of concern ignored out of embarrassment or fear.

The content of this article should not be considered professional medical advice. Exercise due diligence when seeking relevant health information. Always consult your healthcare provider before making any medical decisions.

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